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ACTING for 2nd - 6th grades with Brad Barfield

Acting is SO MUCH FUN. Plays, musicals, TV shows, movies, and TV commercials! Learning the basics will lay the groundwork for a positive relationship with the theatre. Classes begin with a TON of FUN Improv Games, Teamwork Exercises, Brainstorming & Storytelling! 

ACTING for 6th - 12 grades with Brad Barfield

Dive into honing your craft while finding the LOVE of theatre in every moment of class. Improv Games with your teammates continue but now you are expected to step it up for each other bringing more energy, focus & excitement to the work. Working with the group AND each individual we take a step closer to professional style theatre work. We will not only learn from doing but also from observing our peers. 

Placement subject to change at the discretion of the Artistic Director

Private Acting & Audition Prep

with Jennifer Yormak

Students can begin their journey into acting with one-on-one sessions that include Scene Study and Acting the Song as well as audition prep for all ages.

High School Seniors can train for their college BFA Musical Theatre & Acting auditions.These students should schedule an initial meeting at some point during the end of their Junior year of high school.

Students will learn to lose their inhibitions and begin to utilize techniques and learning to listen and react.